Page 4 - COL Asia Newsletter (30 May 2018)
P. 4

For further information on the COL-IPBA ASEAN+6 LLM:   ASEAN+6 professional development courses
           COL website                                             ork  is  progressing  on  converting  all  ASEAN+6  LLM
           IPBA website                                      W  subjects  into  discrete  professional  development
                                                              training courses - with credit being available (on application)
           COL handbook (or click image below)
                                                              to students who subsequently enrol in the LLM programme.
                                                              The 10-module structure of the ASEAN+6 LLM subjects (see
                                                              chart below) splits into 10 discrete modules:
                                                                An introductory module that is available free of charge
                                                                Eight modules that each sells for 1/8th of the subject price
                                                                An assessment module priced at the module price

                         2018 LLM SUBJECTS

         IP1 - ASEAN+6 Lawyer’s Skills 1
         IP1 - ASEAN+6 Lawyer’s Skills 2
         LP3 - ASEAN+6 Commercial Law Practice
         ILP4 - ASEAN+6 Mergers and Acquisitions Practice
         ILP5 - ASEAN+6 Banking and Finance Practice
         ILP6 - ASEAN+6 Intellectual Property Law Practice
         ILP7 - ASEAN+6 Arbitration and Dispute Resolution Practice
                                                              The  ASEAN+6  Mergers  and  Acquisitions  Practice  subject
         ILP9 -  ASEAN+6 Trade and Investment Practice        gives an example of the training courses that will be created:
         ILP10 - ASEAN+6 Capital Markets Practice               Module 1: Introduction (Complimentary)
                                                                Module 2: Planning M&A in ASEAN+6 contexts
         The first two subjects in this programme are to be developed     Module 3: Managing due diligence in ASEAN+6
         by  converting  ILEPS1  and  ILEPS2  of  the  non-award  COL   contexts
         Asia  International  Legal  English  and  Professional  Skills
         Programme  (ILEPS) into  a  2-subject  foundation  programme     Module 4: Sale and purchase agreements in
         for  non  English-speaking  learners  -  to  undertake  in   ASEAN+6 contexts
         preparation for the LLM programme.                     Module 5: M&A risk management in ASEAN+6
         Click to view the ILEPS Programme handbook. ▄▌          contexts
                                                                Module 6: Acquisition of assets in ASEAN+6 contexts

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