Page 1 - COL Asia Newsletter (30 May 2018)
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College partners with The Law Society of Singapore
he Law Society of Singapore and The College of Law signed a Memorandum of Inside this issue:
T Understanding (MOU) in Singapore on 19 March 2018. The MOU identifies four
initial areas for collaboration during the agreement’s initial 5-year term:
Existing College of Law programmes. Singapore 2
Additional areas for development.
A co-branded LLM (Applied Law) in Singapore Legal Practice.
Establishment of the COL regional headquarters in Singapore.
Malaysia 6
Existing COL programmes identified by the Law Society as being of interest include the
ASEAN+6 LLM portfolio; the Malaysian Lawyers’ Skills subject (adapted to Singaporean
practice) from the Malaysian Legal Practice LLM portfolio; and three practice areas from Viet Nam 7
the Australian LLM (Applied Law) programme - In-house Legal Practice, Legal Practice
Management and Wills & Estates Practice - also adapted to Singaporean legal practice. Hong Kong 9
The two additional areas for development identified by the Law Society are referenced in
the April 2017 Report of the Working Group on Legal & Accounting Services (CFE):
New Zealand 9
Risk management and corporate governance.
Skillset of the lawyer of the future.
The Legal & Accounting Services report was one of an industry-by-industry series arising
from the Government of Singapore’s Committee for the Future Economy (CFE) initiative,
LawAsia 11
which identified seven strategies to achieve the city state’s vision for the future. ▄▌
MAY 2018 Page 1