Page 3 - COL Asia Newsletter (30 May 2018)
P. 3

  CPD Seminar The Future of Legal Practice, Reimagined,
           Reinvented,  Redefined  -  Are  you  “people”  ready?  -  26
           June 2018. Accredited by SILE for 1.5 CPD points.
           CLI Legalpreneurs Roundtable  - 27 June 2018. ▄▌

         Law Society delegation visiting Sydney
             Law  Society  of  Singapore  delegation  (President,  CEO,
         A  several  executive  members  and  four  staff)  will  be  in
         Sydney on 31 July - 2 August 2018 and the visit programme
         will  include  a  College  orientation  at  St  Leonards  on  31  July
         2018. The visit programme is outlined below:
                            31 July 2018
           COL  introduction  programme  followed  by  lunch  @  St
            Leonards (9.00 am – 1.30 pm) .
            CLI  session  involving  a  number  of  innovative  Sydney
            law firms @. 111 Elizabeth Street (2.30 pm – 4.30 pm).
            Delegation will be joined by 10+ Singapore lawyers who
            will be participants in a mini mission under the Law Soci-
            ety’s “Lawyers Go Global” programme

            COL  networking  reception  for  event  participants  and   Cross-border transactions
            COL guests @. 111 Elizabeth Street (4.30 pm)  .      within the ASEAN+6 region are
                           1 August 2018                         the focus of the  COL-IPBA
           Jean Wong (Director, CPD) to spend day at COL.       ASEAN+6 LLM
           Delegation/mission visits Salvos Legal (9.30 am)
           Delegation/mission visits Nexus Law Group (2.30 pm)   COL-IPBA ASEAN+6 LLM
                           2 August 2018                          he new COL Asia LLM (Applied Law) in ASEAN+6 Legal
           Delegation/mission visits Legal Vision (9.30 am)    T  Practice  programme  is  being  offered  as  a  co-branded
                                                               LLM  programme  in  collaboration  with  the  Inter-Pacific  Bar
                                                               Association   (IPBA).   The   Tokyo-based   international
         Singapore LLM (Applied Law)                           association  for  business  and  commercial  lawyers  was
             OL Asia’s 2018-19 Business Plan provides for developing   established  in  1991  and  has  grown  to  become  the  pre-
         C  four  LLM  subjects  in  a  new  Singaporean  legal  practice   eminent  legal  association  in  the  Asia-Pacific  Region,  with
         jurisdictional stream within the Master of Laws (Applied Law)   membership drawn from throughout the world. It currently has
         programme.  It  will  become  the  College’s  5th  jurisdictional   over 1,500 members from over 65 jurisdictions worldwide.
         stream:                                               The  COL-IPBA  ASEAN+6  LLM  is  offered  as  part  of  a
                                                               Memorandum  of  Understanding  between  the  College  and
                                                               IPBA that was signed in London on 12 November 2017.

         The subject matter for the first four subjects will be chosen in
         collaboration with the Law Society - and will likely be informed   College of Law CEO Neville Carter and IPBA President Denis
         by the nine high growth practice areas identified in the report   McNamara after signing Memorandum of Understanding.
         of the working group on legal and accounting services. ▄▌

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