Page 5 - COL Asia Newsletter (30 May 2018)
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Module 8: Competition law and public M&A in The draft programme and venues for the seminar series - to
ASEAN+6 contexts be held in 5 Australian and 10 ASEAN cities, between 1
October 2018 and 31 March 2018 - are set out above.
Module 9: Assessment module (undertaken to be
eligible gain a credit for the subject. ▄▌ The IPBA, Bar Council Malaysia and Law Society of
Singapore are project partners with the College. ▄▌
Australia-ASEAN Lawyers Regional Engagement Raphael Tay ASEAN+6 programme ambassador
Project - seminar series in 2018-19
aphael Tay is to join the Col Asia team as an
he COL Asia Australia-ASEAN Lawyers Regional R ambassador for the COL-IPBA ASEAN+6 LLM
T Engagement Project will promote regional engagement programme. Raphael, a partner in Kuala Lumpur firm Chooi &
between Australian and ASEAN lawyers through: Company, has been in practice for over 27 years and has
A 15-city seminar series to promote trade in services extensive experience in corporate and commercial, mergers
within the region, with a focus on trade in legal services and acquisitions and information technology law. His keen
interest in and knowledge of the economics and politics of
Establishing an Australian-ASEAN Lawyers' Network
South East Asia results in many invitations to present
DFAT speaker on our existing/future regional free trade
agreements, with a focus on trade in services and on
legal services in particular:
ASEAN-Australia/New Zealand Free Trade
Agreement (AANZFTA)
Regional Comprehensive Economic
Partnership (RCEP)
Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement
for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP)
Provision of legal services under free trade
Speaker from the host bar association/law society.
Speaker on the local rules applying to foreign lawyers.
Speaker on the impact of ASEAN Economic
Community (AEC).
How to join the Australia-ASEAN Lawyers’ Network.
Concluding social networking event. Raphael Tay in front of the College’s exhibit booth at the
ASEAN IPBA 2018 Annual Conference in Manila, The Philippines.
Bangkok, Thailand seminars and conduct conferences organised by both private
Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam and government sectors. Raphael is the College’s Subject
Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam Matter (SME) for two ASEAN+6 LLM subjects: ASEAN+6
Commercial Law Practice and ASEAN+6 Mergers and
Jakarta, Indonesia Acquisitions Practice. Raphael also taught the first COL
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia student in ASEAN+6 Mergers and Acquisitions Practice.
Raphael’s official title is Executive Director of the ASEAN+6
Manila, The Philippines
LLM programme and he starts his new part-time contract role
Phnom Penh, Cambodia on 1 July 2018. ▄▌
Singapore, Singapore
Vientiane. Laos Meet our ASEAN+6 LLM subject matter experts
Yangon, Myanmar n the last COL Asia Newsletter (October 2017) we profiled
I four of our ASEAN+6 LLM subject matter experts (SMEs):
Raphael Tay - Partner in Kuala Lumpur firm Chooi &
Adelaide, South Australia Company. SME for ASEAN+6 Commercial Law Practice
Brisbane, Queensland ASEAN+6 and Mergers and Acquisitions Practice.
Sydney, New South Wales David Ong - Previously a partner in Chooi & Company,
Melbourne, Victoria David is now based in Melbourne as a Senior Associate
with Herbert Smith Freehills. SME for ASEAN+6 Banking
Perth, Western Australia and Finance Practice.
MAY 2018 Page 5