Page 5 - COL Asia Newsletter (30 May 2018)
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  Module 8: Competition law and public M&A in        The draft programme and venues for the seminar series - to
            ASEAN+6 contexts                                   be  held  in  5  Australian  and  10  ASEAN  cities,  between  1
                                                               October 2018 and 31 March 2018 - are set out above.
           Module 9: Assessment module (undertaken to be
            eligible gain a credit for the subject. ▄▌         The  IPBA,  Bar  Council  Malaysia  and  Law  Society  of
                                                               Singapore are project partners with the College. ▄▌

         Australia-ASEAN Lawyers Regional Engagement             Raphael Tay ASEAN+6 programme ambassador
         Project  - seminar series in 2018-19
                                                                   aphael  Tay  is  to  join  the  Col  Asia  team  as  an
            he  COL  Asia  Australia-ASEAN  Lawyers  Regional   R  ambassador  for  the  COL-IPBA  ASEAN+6  LLM
         T  Engagement  Project  will  promote  regional  engagement   programme. Raphael, a partner in Kuala Lumpur firm Chooi &
         between Australian and ASEAN lawyers through:         Company,  has  been  in  practice  for  over  27  years  and  has
           A  15-city  seminar  series  to  promote  trade  in  services   extensive  experience  in  corporate  and  commercial,  mergers
            within the region, with a focus on trade in legal services   and  acquisitions  and  information  technology  law.  His  keen
                                                               interest  in  and  knowledge  of  the  economics  and  politics  of
           Establishing an Australian-ASEAN Lawyers' Network
                                                               South  East  Asia  results  in  many  invitations  to  present

                      SEMINAR PROGRAMME
            DFAT speaker on our existing/future regional free trade
            agreements, with a focus on trade in services and on
            legal services in particular:
              ASEAN-Australia/New Zealand Free Trade
               Agreement (AANZFTA)
              Regional Comprehensive Economic
               Partnership (RCEP)
              Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement
               for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP)
            Provision of legal services under free trade
            Speaker from the host bar association/law society.
            Speaker on the local rules applying to foreign lawyers.
            Speaker on the impact of ASEAN Economic
             Community (AEC).
            How to join the Australia-ASEAN Lawyers’ Network.
            Concluding social networking event.                Raphael Tay in front of  the College’s exhibit booth at the

                              ASEAN                             IPBA 2018 Annual Conference in Manila, The Philippines.
            Bangkok, Thailand                                 seminars and conduct conferences organised by both private
            Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam            and  government  sectors.  Raphael  is  the  College’s  Subject
            Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam                        Matter  (SME)  for  two  ASEAN+6  LLM  subjects:  ASEAN+6
                                                               Commercial  Law  Practice  and  ASEAN+6  Mergers  and
            Jakarta, Indonesia                                Acquisitions  Practice.  Raphael  also  taught  the  first  COL
            Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia                            student  in  ASEAN+6  Mergers  and  Acquisitions  Practice.
                                                               Raphael’s official title is Executive Director of  the ASEAN+6
            Manila, The Philippines
                                                               LLM programme and he starts his new part-time contract role
            Phnom Penh, Cambodia                              on 1 July 2018. ▄▌
            Singapore, Singapore
            Vientiane. Laos                                   Meet our ASEAN+6 LLM subject matter experts
            Yangon, Myanmar                                     n the last COL Asia Newsletter (October 2017) we profiled
                                                               I  four of our ASEAN+6 LLM subject matter experts (SMEs):
                                                                  Raphael  Tay  -    Partner  in  Kuala  Lumpur  firm  Chooi  &
            Adelaide, South Australia                            Company. SME for ASEAN+6 Commercial Law Practice
            Brisbane, Queensland                                 ASEAN+6 and Mergers and Acquisitions Practice.
            Sydney, New South Wales                             David  Ong -  Previously a partner in Chooi & Company,
            Melbourne, Victoria                                  David is now based in Melbourne as a Senior Associate
                                                                  with Herbert Smith Freehills. SME for ASEAN+6 Banking
            Perth, Western Australia                             and Finance Practice.

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