Page 6 - COL Asia Newsletter (30 May 2018)
P. 6
Michael Chu - Chicago-based partner in US International programme director, James Jung and COL Asia director Peter
law firm McDermott Will & Emery. SME for ASEAN+6 Tritt.
Intellectual Property Practice.
Wong Tat Chung - Partner in Kuala Lumpur firm Wong
Beh & Toh. SME for ASEAN+6 Capital Markets Practice.
Yewon Han
Yewon Han is a Seoul-based Associate with international law
firm Stephenson Harwood, who has extensive experience in
international arbitration. Yewon graduated LLB from Auckland
University and has a Masters
in International Business Law
from the National University
of Singapore. Yewon began
her career with The
Arbitration Chamber, New pop up College exhibit booth - complete with lights.
Singapore and worked as an
associate with Baker
McKenzie (Singapore) and The AGM was the first outing for a new College exhibit booth
Lee & Ko (Seoul). Yewon is (photo above), which was located in prime space in front of
the College SME for Yewon Han the main entrance to the
ASEAN+6 Arbitration and AGM meeting room, in the
Dispute Resolution Practice. conference centre of the
Renaissance Hotel.
Martin Polaine The Gold sponsorship
Martin Polaine is a barrister and a director of London-based formed part of the College’s
Amicus Legal Consultants and is also a member of the ongoing support for Bar
Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (ACIArb). A former Senior Council Malaysia activities,
Crown Prosecutor and Senior Lawyer with the Independent further to a 2016
Police Complaints Commission, Martin practised at the Bar Memorandum of
before joining the CPS. Understanding between the
Martin has been a consultant parties that provides for
at the Commonwealth collaboration in legal
Secretariat and a member of education in Malaysia.
the OECD Working Group on Collaboration activities with
Bribery. His public Bar Council Malaysia
international law work include:
includes the law of treaties, A Complimentary online CPD programme
IHL/IHRL, statehood and
international trade, while his LLM (Applied Law) programme in Malaysian legal Practice
international arbitration - link to 2018 Handbook . ▄▌
interests include both ISDS
and international commercial Martin Polaine International Malaysia Law Conference 2018
arbitration. Martin is the he College will again be a major sponsor of Bar Council’s
College SME for ASEAN+6 International Trade and T major biennial event - the International Malaysia Law
Investment Practice. ▄▌ Conference (IMLC2018) with the theme of Raising the Bar.
The 4-day conference at The Royale Chulan Kuala Lumpur
Malaysian Bar 72nd Annual General Meeting will be held on 14-17 August 2018. IMLC2016 was the
College’s first sponsorship of a Malaysian event and our
he College supported the 72nd introduction to the Malaysian legal profession, through an
T Annual General Meeting (AGM) exhibitor booth and sponsorship of the daily conference
and Annual Dinner of The Malaysian newspaper. Follow links to digital copies of each issue (Issue
Bar in Kuala Lumpur on 18 March #1; Issue #2; Issue #3) - and the back page of each features
2018, as an event sponsor and the College.
exhibitor. The AGM attracts over 1000 The College will again be sponsoring production of the daily
member lawyers to the Malaysian newspaper and two conference sessions provisionally titled:
capital each year. COL chief marketing
officer Christine Simmons attended the Written Submissions for Advocacy
events, along with COL Asia Bar Council Malaysia Young Lawyers: Future Options and Opportunities. ▄▌
MAY 2018 Page 6