Page 8 - COL Asia Newsletter (30 May 2018)
P. 8
Thayananthan Baskaran and 17 Associate members), is affiliated to the Vietnam Bar
Thaya Baskaran is an adjudicator, arbitrator and mediator Federation. It is dedicated to “assembling and developing a
based in Kuala Lumpur, with chambers in London. Thaya has collaborative group composed of professional lawyers who are
experience in domestic and expert at legal, international traditions and foreign languages in
international matters, as well as, order to meet the increasing demand of international legal
ad hoc and institutional consultant.” For information and event photos view the VLBC
proceedings. Thaya is also the website and VLBC facebook page. The College was a bronze
author of various publications sponsor of the event. ▄▌
on alternative dispute
resolution. Thaya graduated
LLB (Hons) from King’s College
London and also has Dip IA
(RIIAM), Dip IArb (CIArb)
Gray’s Inn. Thaya is a Certified Thaya Baskaran
Adjudicator with the Kuala
Lumpur based Asian International Arbitration Centre (AIAC) -
formerly known as the KLRCA - and is an Associate Mediator
with the Singapore Mediation Centre (SMC).
Thaya is the College SME for MLP_DRP4 - Arbitration
(Malaysia). ▄▌
College assists Sabah Law Society with CPD rules
The College of Law logo appears as a sponsor of the IPBA VBLC
he Sabah Law Society (formerly the Sabah Law event in Ho Chi Minh City on 4 November 2017.
T Association) intends to introduce a mandatory CPD
scheme for Sabah lawyers in July
2018, based on College drafted rules
that it has now adopted. The draft
rules followed a College report to the
society that reviewed the mandatory
CPD schemes of Malaysia, New
South Wales and New Zealand to
assist their consideration.
The College will be supporting the
Sabah legal profession through a complementary online CPD
programme, similar to the that offered to members of the
Malaysian Bar as part of a collaborative MOU arrangement.
Sabah, although part of the Federation of Malaysia, has its
own distinct legal system and law society. The Sabah Law
Society is the statutory body responsible for the legal
profession in Sabah. ▄▌
APEC goes to Viet Nam in November 2017 College booth at the Promoting Investment Among APEC
PEC - the Asia Pacific Economic Council - had its 2017 Economies event - Ho Chi Minh City, 4 November 2017.
A annual meeting in Da Nang Viet
Nam during the week commencing 6
November 2017 and a number of Collaboration on Common Law and Civil Law bridging
associated events were organised in Viet
Nam around it. course - with Vietnam as prototype
Among these was Promoting Investment he College is currently engaged in discussions with the Ho
in APEC Economies - an event in Ho Chi T Chi Minh City University
Minh City (Saigon) on 4 November 2017 of Law (which has a Legal
that was hosted by the Inter-Pacific Bar English department) and the
Association (IPBA) and the Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City legal
Business Lawyers Club (VBLC). profession to develop a
The VBLC, an organisation of nearly 90 course that focusses on
members (17 Corporate, 50 Individual teaching legal professional
skills and knowledge within the framework of understanding
MAY 2018 Page 8