Page 9 - NYAA Annual Report 2022
P. 9

Audited Financial Statement for the Year ended 31 December 2022

                   Please visit our website for the full audited financial report from PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.
                   ( (Please see Appendix 8 for a summary of the online financial

                   Fundraising Activity

                   In 2022, due to the adverse impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on corporate and business sectors,
                   the Association did not organise specific fundraising events. Instead, in light of the NYAA's 30th
                   Anniversary, we directly appealed to corporations and foundations for their generous donations.
                   We are grateful for the continued support of The Tote Board, which remains our leading donor.

                   Recognising the challenging circumstances faced by many businesses during the pandemic, our
                   approach focused on engaging corporate and foundation partners through direct appeals for
                   contributions. We aimed to raise funds to support the ongoing operations and initiatives of the
                   NYAA, ensuring the continuity and  effectiveness of our programmes despite the prevailing

                   While specific fundraising events were not conducted in 2022, the Association remained
                   committed to exploring alternative avenues for  securing  the necessary resources to fulfil our
                   mission. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all corporations, foundations, and donors who
                   generously contributed to the NYAA's 30th Anniversary appeal,  enabling us to  continue
                   empowering young people and fostering their personal development.

                   Moving forward, we remain dedicated to actively seeking partnerships and  opportunities for
                   fundraising, understanding the importance of sustained financial support to drive our initiatives
                   and create a meaningful impact in the lives of our participants.

                   NYAA Investment Property

                   The NYAA owns an office space at 20 Kramat Lane #04-12 United House, Singapore 228773, which
                   housed  the NYAA Secretariat from 1994 –  to 2001. The NYAA rented out the office space  to
                   generate  income.  As  of  31 December  2022,  the  property  is  valued  at  S$1.75  million  by  an
                   independent valuation company, Realty International Associates Pte Ltd.
                   (Please see Appendix 10 for the valuation report.)


                   Disclosure and Transparency

                   The NYAA Governing Council Members generously dedicate their services to the NYAA without
                   financial compensation,  except for two individuals  holding  full-time  positions within the
                   Association. These dedicated members are:

                   • Mr James Soh Nga Kok, Secretary and Executive Director, has served as Executive Director full-
                   time  since  18 February  1991. Mr  Soh was  re-elected as Secretary  of the National  Youth
                   Achievement Award Association during the AGM on 24 June 2021 for two years.
                   • Ms Aileen Yap Leng Lee, Assistant Secretary and Deputy Executive Director, has been employed
                   full-time since 1 May 1993, initially as the Assistant Executive Director and was later promoted to
                   Deputy Executive Director in 2000. Ms Yap was re-elected as Assistant Secretary during the AGM
                   on 24 June 2021 for two years.
                   • It is important to note that no governing Council members set their remuneration.

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