Page 233 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 233

out to be one of them weeks.  Fed Up!!!!

           30 September 2013 —
           Just looked up the size of A4 paper in inches (cos I was on
            the  phone  n  couldn't  reach  the  tape  measure  before
            anyone asks) and came across a website called "A4 paper
            size dot org" WOW That sounds like a none stop roller
            coaster  of  unbridled  excitement!  I  reckon  I'm  going  to
            join up!

           30 September 2013 —
           I'm  actually  being  haunted  by  a  parcel!  It’s  like  one  of
            those creepy dolls in a horror movie that just won't die or
            go  away!  I'm  trying  so  hard  to  get  it  to  the  intended
            recipient in the USA and today, my mail arrived and...It’s
            the parcel! Aaaaaaarrrrrgh! Why are you doing this to me
            Royal Mail? WHY? Please God make it stop!

           4 October 2013 —
           A  recently  completed  commissioned
            piece, Sunflowers in Sunlight
           I'm already working on quite a number
            of  commissions  for  a  certain  winter
            festival I dare not mention this early!
            Bespoke  paintings  are  proving  a
            popular  gift  for...well...let’s  just  say  a
            certain  December  celebration.  So
            please  order  sooner  rather  than  later  if  you  want  to
            commission a piece of Art.

           11 October 2013 —
           OK Fibro', bi-polar and migraine, since you've all ganged
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