Page 235 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 235

20 October 2013 —
           Oh  Jesus  God  I  can't  bare  my  electric  charges  going  up
            anymore! Aaaarrrrgh! I finally paid E-on off the £500 I
            owed them. I switched to a supplier who quoted me £35
            a month. Now, the new supplier has put my price up £75
            per month and the old supplier has sent me ANOTHER
            "final  bill"  for  nearly  £200! WTF?!  AAand  are  insisting
            on charging me for gas. I don't even have any gas! I feel
            like  I'm  trapped  in  some  weird  nightmare  of  people
            sending random bills to me.

           24 October 2013 —
           What's  the  point  of  those  posts  that  go  round  saying
            things like "Name a fish without an 'A' in its name" or
            "Name a movie without an O in the title - it’s harder than
            you  think..."  I  don't  get  it.  It's  never  even  remotely
            puzzling. Have I missed something?

           26 October 2013 —
           THANK YOU to everyone who signed the petition and
            helped  with  the  issue  of  the  Etsy  shop  selling  items
            relating  to  rape  and  child  abuse.  We  got  over  7000
            signatures and the items in question have been removed
            from Etsy.

           27 October 2013 —
           That Money Change advert that asks people "What could
            you go without to save £3 a day" REEEEALLY p***es
            me off! Let me to you supposed money experts, people
            struggling  in  this  country  don't  even  HAVE  £3  a  day!
            The people you're targeting aren't going round drinking
            lattes and buying glossy magazines on a daily basis. £21 a
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