Page 231 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 231

boil in the bag lap top I've only had for about 8 weeks
            keep shutting down with a message saying the memory's
            too full. I can remember all the stuff in my laptop off by
            heart and I'm an IDIOT! Can one of you techno bods
            please help me out before I take this hunk of junk by one
            end n start beating it repeatedly against the wall!....

           24 September 2013 —
           OK  this  is  my  4th  attempt  at
            manifesting this image onto canvas so
            let this be the final one. Bringing the
            frost in the night! I’ve called this one

           25 September 2013
           I  keep  having  dreams  about  earthquakes  (I  have  really
            vivid dreams, nightmares, hallucinations and night terrors
            cos of my mental health problems n my meds) anyway,
            it’s really weird cos the last 3 times (and now 4) that I've
            had the earthquake dream, the next day I've seen on the
            news there's been an earthquake somewhere. I don't want
            to sound like a nut case or an exhibitionist (ooh, wrong
            phrase for an artist I suppose!) but it seems a bit weird.

           26 September 2013 —
           Huuurgh!  One  of  those  horrible  Fibro'  days  where  I'm
            splashing cold water on my face, drinking coffee, opening
            all the windows and rubbing menthol on my head just to
            stay  awake  Sooo  frustrating  being  in  this  fibromyalgia
            body when I have sooo much I want to do! Any tips for
            invigorating oneself please share!
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