Page 227 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 227
12 August 2013
PARCEL FARCE you never cease to amaze me. I just had
a bloke turn up to collect a parcel from me. He looked at
it as if I'd presented him with a space Alien and just
stood gazing at it open mouthed for a very awkward,
silent 3 minutes.......
Finally he said "It looks really big" Mmm yes, he's clearly
been employed for his powers of perception. Then he
continued staring at the huge, clearly written address label
before asking "Where's it going?" (Maybe I was wrong
about the perceptive thing!)
I give him the paper work and said "Is that it then?" trying
to hurry this clearly complicated transaction along and he
says "Well it seems bigger than a 'normal' parcel though
and I don't know what it is." Then he started stabbing at
his mobile screen with the stylus and mumbling "I don't
know what it is. It’s not telling me what it is..."
He spent another 5 minutes sort of poking and prodding
and wiggling the parcel (I'm not sure what he was trying
to ascertain) before looking at the paper work I'd handed
him, breathing a huge sigh of relief and proclaiming "Ah
yes! I see it says here it’s a large parcel! Oh that's OK
then." I'm wondering if he's on loan to Parcel Farce from
Scotland Yard or something.
Only about an 8th of the size of it himself!
12 August 2013
The World continues to appear more confusing! I put in a
complaint with Royal Mail who have responded that the
issues got nothing to do with them; I need to speak to
the Post Office. There was me thinking the Post Office
carried out the work of Royal Mail. I must be such a div!