Page 232 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 232

27 September 2013 —
           Grrrrr! I am living proof of ''spoon theory''! I knew I was
            borrowing today’s spoons yesterday when I was splashing
            cold  water  on  my  face  and  drinking  coffee  to  keep
   I paid the spoons back. Only just struggling
            out of bed riddled with aches n pains. Leave me alone
            you pesky Fibromyalgia!
           My hands are all swollen up I HATE that! I'm holding my
            right wrist in my left hand to type! As if I don't look fat
            enough without swelling issues.

           27 September 2013 —
           "Sustainability" seems to be the new buzzword. I don't like
            socio-political  buzzwords.  They're  usually  sheep's
            clothing  for  wolves  the  elite  are  trying  to  usher  in.
            Agenda  21  is  said  to  be  all  about  "sustainability"  but
            some  of  the  impact  it  would  have  on  humanity  seems
            horrendous.  I'm  keeping  an  eye  out  for  anything  being
            touted under the guise of "sustainability" and whenever I
            come across something I'm going to take a peek behind
            the  "sustainability"  coloured  curtain  and  see  what’s
            lurking behind it...

           29 September 2013 —
           Overslept,  Stumbled  through  the  jumble  sale  &  heap of
            scrap  wood  that  used  to  be  my  wardrobe.  I’m  riddled
            with aches n pains, still boiling tea water in the saucepan
            cos the kettles conked out. Running low on meds cos the
            online  prescription,  order  sites  been  out  of  order  for
            days. £300 worth of paintings has gone missing en route
            to  recipient.  Hands  swollen  like  a  bunch  of  sausages
            from the Fibromyalgia' - it's Sunday and it's still turning
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