Page 229 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 229
left me wondering if hard core selfishness is the way
12 September 2013
Think outside the fact, turn the box upside down
and work on the reverse side of the canvas! A 1920s
12 September 2013
I hate recipes where I've never even heard of some of the
ingredients listed. Like, today I saw one using "left over
chocolate”?! WTF! "Left over chocolate”? I thought I
knew all the types of chocolate but I've never heard of
13 September 2013
I am the one who chases 2 butterflies and catches neither!
SOoooooo many ideas and NO prioritising skills, Cards,
decorations, sculptures, paintings, vintage, crafts,
jewellery, millinery.... which to do? Which to do? I'm
drowning in a vortex of arty, crafty inspiration!
16 September 2013
It’s bad enough nearly getting hit by a car when you're IN
the road crossing but today I was nearly ploughed down
by some TW*T who zoomed onto the pavement and
sped along it, apparently making a point to the driver
coming the other way. I THINK his point was that the
other car should have given way but it came across more
as "I am prepared to stop at nothing including running
down innocent women in my dick brained quest for ego
big up-man-ship"