Page 234 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 234

up on me at once, you win. I'm in bed with painkillers, a
            damp cloth a heated blanket n a box of tissues at 6.30 on
            a Friday evening. What's the emoticon for feeling beaten?

           14 October 2013 —
           BREAKING  NEWS!  I  managed  to  get  out  of  bed!
            AAAAND walk to the chemist! YES! I'm getting better.
            and which is more my torturous hike in heels in rain with
            fibromyalgic joints was made worth it as I bumped into a
            local celebrity Zacharias Zannettou If I continue on my
            recovery  I  might  manage  to  ATTEND  his  next  show
            instead  of  being  bed  bound  on  the  special  night.  Stay
            tuned for more spectacularly exciting anecdotes from my
            life - if you can handle it, I'm off for a lie down.

           15 October 2013 —
           1  Sign  we  are  IN  the  Orwellian  Nightmare  must  be
            overhearing 2 "hoodies" in the street - one tells a joke &
            the other responds NOT by laughing but by actually just
            saying "lol" Please God make it stop lest we endure stand
            up  gigs  where  entire  audiences  sit  pokerfaced  "lol-ing"
            the appropriate moments.

           19 October 2013 —
           These  are  the  Witches  shoes  I
            love.  I  can’t  sew  so  I  might
            make  my  own  variation  of
            these in clay. PS: At the risk of
            mentioning the dreaded word, I
            will  be  creating  a  range  in  this
            grungy  style  with  elves  and  all
            kinds of weird little magical things....
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