Page 239 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 239

getting my prescriptions when I'm too ill to get out of
            the flat. I'd say 50% of the time I'm not well enough to
            get up, dressed, down 4 flights of stairs, walk to the Drs,
            walk to the chemist, walk back n climb back up all the
            stairs again. So I asked the pharmacy if they do a delivery
            service n they looked at me absolutely gone out and said
            "who for?"..."erm ME"......
            I tried to get a psychologist for about 10 years while in the
            mental  health  system,  finally  got  one,  he  left  after  2
            appointments and they never replaced him, told me what
            was  happening,  said  goodbye  or  kiss  my  arse.  Now
            apparently I'm back at the start of the wait list again....
           It’s enough to drive you bloody nuts even if you weren't to
            begin with! And I've always wanted a CPN - maybe I’ll
            get one for Christmas

           13 November 2013 —
           So,  just  thinking  aloud  again,  sometimes  in  my  sketch  n
            scribble  books  I  end  up  with  some  drawings  that  are
            pretty  nice  actually  albeit  unfinished  or  unrefined.  I'm
            wondering whether to actually put some of these for sale.

           14 November 2013 —
           So sad that vanity seems to have knocked kindness off the
            top stop in the virtue charts!

           I've had a few conversations lately with various people that
            just illustrate this from supposedly well-educated adults.
            Stuff  I  saw about  Suzan Boyle who  I  think  is amazing
            having succeeded above and beyond many people despite
            having a learning disability.
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