Page 242 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 242

2 December 2013 —
           9 weeks, approx. 25 phone calls, 4 letters, 2 forms, 3 photo
            copies  and  a  whole  packet  of  codeine  later  I  have
            managed to get a Royal Mail manager to agree to give me
            a refund! As he said the words, I could hear him almost
            choking  and  suddenly,  ethereal  beams  of  light  burst
            through the windows and a choir of angels all rang out
            the Hallelujah chorus!

           3 December 2013 —
           Just pondering the fact that if I actually saw myself as just
            another Artists tool - like a paintbrush or a craft knife or
            a clay sculptor and valued myself like I do my tools and
            took the same care of myself as I do my tools, I might be
            much better off. So, that's my new mantra. I shall keep
            repeating to myself; "I AM A TOOL."

           4 December 2013 —
           It’s true what they say about these little critters being able
            to  get  in  through  even  the  smallest  gap.  I  left  the  flat
            door propped open for electrician to access to the fuse
            box at 8 flipping' o'clock this morning and the little girl
            from  downstairs  has  found  her  way  into  my  bedroom
            within under 3 minutes!

           10 December 2013 —
           Oh  TESCO  you've  excelled  yourselves,  packing  my
            Cadbury’s flakes between an eco-pack of Heinz bean tins
            and 2 six packs of coke.
           It's  the  bloody  "crumbliest",  "flakiest"  milk  chocolate  in
            the world now isn't it!
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