Page 246 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 246

1 January 2014 —
           I'm planning 2 Art exhibitions. Working on 3 commissions
            so  far,  creating  some  new  ceramic  art  pieces  with  gold
            leaf, a fresh collection of paintings, some altered books
            and  art  journals  and  working  on  totally  re-vamping  my
            apartment into an Art studio.

           2 January 2014 —
           Well it seemed like yesterday the rain just washed all the
            old away and today - what will probably be the first active
            day of the year for most people, looks really bright. Let’s
            hope that reflects the year to come and for all the poor
            people who have had to go back to crappy jobs they hate
            today,  I  feel  your  pain  but  just  think?  IT'S  FRIDAY
            TOMORROW! How quick was that!

           2 January 2014 —
           Just walking my neighbours little girl down the Evesham
            road  and  she  points  out  a  Slimming  World  poster  and
            says  "you  might  like  to  go  to  that  Ona"  Mmm  thanks.
            Then I get home and open the mail box to find just a
            lonely  weight  watchers  leaflet,  come  in  and  check  my
            emails - just an invitation to 'loose pounds without even
            trying' R U trying to tell me something God? .... And is
            that you're a man?

           2 January 2014
           NO WAY! I've got hot water coming out of my taps for
            the first time in a fortnight! It’s a temporary bodged job
            apparently  and  once  again  the  'plumber'  has  kindly  left
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