Page 250 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 250

accurately  when  I  was  little  as  my  imagination  far
            outweighed my technical skills.

           13 January 2014 —
           Am  I  turning  into  one  of  those
            temperamental  Artists  or  do
            customers  make  absolutely
            ridiculous  demands?            Either
            way  I  think  this  might  be  the
            week I finally      murderalise one
            of  my  customers  to  death!
           Final stages of my latest 3D Butterfly Commission

           14 January 2014 —
           Microsoft plans to cut its losses on Windows 8, the latest
            version  of  the  software  that  runs  the  majority  of  the
            world’s computers, jettisoning the brand in an attempt to
            appease  millions  of  disgruntled  users.  Industry  sources
            believe  that  the  world’s  biggest  software  company  will
            announce  a  new  operating  system,  codenamed
            “Threshold”,  at  an  event  in  April.  "Low  sales  and
            scathing reviews" I despise Windows 8!

           16 January 2014 —
           Ooh how flattering is this; a customer in America has just
            sent me a photograph of her daughter’s bedroom which
            she  designed  based  on  my  Alice  in  Wonderland  art.
            They've even managed to get a pillow with 3D butterflies
            on it. They've chosen all the colours, textures and styles
            from my painting. Ace!
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