Page 252 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 252

23 January 2014 —
           TFI Friday tomorrow! This has been a HORRENDOUS
            week.  Definitely  too  much  to  contend  with  on  top  of
            Bi-Polar, Fibromyalgia and PTSD! As I continue through
            this minefield that’s life towards the spectacular goal fixed
            firmly in my sights I encounter people who give me a leg
            up and others that kick sand in my face, either way I'm
            taking names and handing them over to Karma so rest
            assured, you'll get your just deserts 3 fold!

           25 January 2014 —
           Thunder and Lightning and internet access! All my spells
            for  my  new  home  are  finally  working!  Mwah!  Maaaaah
            Ha Ha Ha Ha Haaaaaargh!

           28 January 2014 —
           I  can  create  the  3D  Butterfly  spirals  in  bespoke  colour
            schemes  to  compliment  your  interior  decor.  They  are
            proving popular. If anyone would like to commission one
            inbox me!

           30 January 2014 —
           British Gas; "How are you today Miss Customer Ma’am?"
           Me "I'm chronically ill and suicidal depressed"
           British Gas "That's great."
           I've just been accused of everything since the start of the
            1st  world  war  by  this  "Elidabed!"  I  just  spoke  to.  I’ve
            been on the phone over half an hour at the front door in
            pyjamas  in  sleet n  snow  with  a  blanket  wrapped  round
            me.  I  think  they  should  add  British  Gas  to  those
            Depression Questionnaires they give you at the doctors.
           1 Do you often lack energy? 1 point
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