Page 253 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 253
2 Have you lost your appetite? 1 point
3 Do you have to speak to British Gas on a regular basis?
10 points
Seek psychiatric help immediately.
Just had to expand my vision of Hell to include Shitish
Gas, Oops did I put 'Shitish' I meant SHITISH!
customers by £250Million! WTF?!
30 January 2014
Well I spend plenty of time bemoaning the crappy service
I get at various places so I should also compliment the
good ones. Today AMAZON UK brilliant as usual, I just
realised I'd clicked the automated ''click to buy'' without
changing my address so an urgent order for tomorrow
would have ended up going to the old address. Got
straight onto the live chat, they changed it to the new
address in about 10 seconds and gave me a
complimentary expedited post upgrade. Nice one
30 January 2014
I’ve just had the most horrendous attack of Vertigo and
couldn't get up for about 20 minutes. The floor fell over
and the bathroom wall suddenly came hurtling towards
me n the door hit me in the face.
My head feels like there's sea water sloshing around in my
skull n my belly feels like a shallow dish of warm
dishwater I'm trying to carry without spilling.
I think I prefer the pain to the Vertigo. Urgh God I
promise to stop working now if you make me feel better
tomorrow. Pleeeease