Page 240 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 240

14 November 2013 —
           Oh now my computer's even takin the piss outa me! I just
            plugged my camera in and got a message on the screen
            saying  "Catastrophic  Error!"  All  right!,  no  need  to  go
            over the top!

           14 November 2013 —
           So  lesson  of  the  day,  even  if  I  can  get  the  high  heeled
            boots on doesn't mean I should wear them. Waddling n
            hobbling down the street like an elderly bag woman with
            my swollen fibro knees kind of kills the look anyway!

           14 November 2013 —
           IS IT JUST ME OR..... Do you ever see someone in the
            street n think "is that Sandra?..." and you're not sure if it
            is  Sandra  or  not  so  you  don't  want  to  wave  if  it  isn't
            Sandra  ‘cos  then  you're  going  to  look  like  a  weirdo  (I
            know,  too  late)  but  then  if  it  IS  Sandra  and  you  don't
            wave  you're  going  to  look  rude...?  WHAT  DO  YOU

           18 November 2013 —
           ...and  here  it  is.  A
            combination  of  my
            snow  white  painting
            and  the  3D  leaves  and
            butterflies  all  woven

           18 November 2013 —
           I'm  thinking  of  creating  some  art  based  on  the  Agatha
            Christie  novels  and  the  wonderfully  emblematic,
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