Page 223 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 223
standing daily charge, For nothing. If Off-gem think it’s
OK it's got to be fine.
30 July 2013
"What will happen if I don't pay?"
"We'll take very strong action."
"What will that consist of?"
"Sending you regular letters"
Mmmmm, looks like I might be the World's first person
ever to be minorly inconvenienced to death!
31 July 2013
This morning I awoke to the sound of my wardrobe
collapsing into a heap. I now have a jumble sale under
some sheets of ply wood and a loose metal rail in my
bedroom. Class.
Also had a LETTER from Parcel Farce saying the parcel I
sent via their "Express 1 day delivery" service almost a
week ago (for £133!) still hasn't been delivered because
they need to know: MY NAME (FFS?!) If I painted the
picture (why?) And what day I sent it? (gimme a break!) I
know they're not claiming to be a detective agency but I'd
have thought they could just about deduce my name and
what day I sent the parcel based on the fact they know
my name and have a record of what day I sent the parcel.
Also, call me progressive but wouldn't it have been more
"express" to have contacted me via phone or email. Just
throwing that out there!
31 July 2013
So it’s only early afternoon and I've already sustained 3