Page 220 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 220

a  stone  &  the  results  weren’t  my  best  work  or  very
            popular anyway. Once I put faith back into my authentic
            creative process the work flowed and the results proved
            immensely popular!

           8 July 2013 —
           It’s strange being an Artist. Tonight I'm sitting alone in my
            flat, fully made up 1920s style wearing an ostrich feather
            cocktail hat.....

           9 July 2013 —
           God it’s difficult to focus in this heat. In my loft apartment
            it's like trying to create Art inside a blast furnace. Thank
            God  I'm  my  own  boss  so  I  can  switch  to  Spanish
            working hours.

           My latest creation is one of my own favourites and been a
            bit of a 'Eureka' moment piece for me. I painted it totally
            from my authentic inspiration, I was already in love with
            it  before  it  manifested  on  the  canvas,  its  proved  really
            popular and I got a buyer for it within the first 48 hours
            of  it  going  on  sale  (touch  wood  I  don't  jinx  myself!
            transaction  still  going  through!)  So  I've  made  this  the
            image on my new business
            cards.  I  think  my  new
            cards show my new found
            confidence  too  because
            they're  really  understated.
            Just  the  whole  of  this
            painting  as  the  image
            covering  one  side,  on  the
            other simple lines of text.
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