Page 221 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 221
18 July 2013
I reckon Windows 8 might be some sort of cognitive test
being run by the government. It’s like one of those weird
initiative tests. I reckon they're watching through spy wear
who can crack this Da Vinci-esque code, who folds under
pressure and who resorts to violence against their own
18 July 2013
It does funny things to ya this bi-polar... Urgh God what’s
the emoticon for feeling, Overwhelmed and
Under-resourced? Really head you’re getting very boring
now, a migraine the day after I exhaust myself doing an
Art Fair? Sooooo predictable!
23 July 2013
Sooooooo confused! Trying to get a quote and book a
parcel delivery to send a painting to USA. Entered the
weight into Parcel Force (1.4kg - light enough for ME to
lift in 1 hand) Got quotes ranging from £122 to £250+
for my parcel of "over 9kgs”?! Eh? Went on a parcel
comparison website, entered the same exact details and
got quoted Parcel Force - same service £44?! ....... What
to do?.....
25 July 2013
Right, 18 hours of trying to send one parcel. I think it’s
about time I sat down n had a cup of tea. it’s not so
much the dropping off it’s the fact that Royal Mail in
their infinite wisdom have only just pointed out (after 3
years of shipping with them) that Art is specifically
excluded from their insurance! Aaargh! So I've been