Page 218 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 218
8 July 2013
A girl who had a chronic pain illness met up with her
friend in a Diner. As she took her tablets with her drink
her friend asked her, "What’s it actually like for you
having this illness?" The girl grabbed a load of spoons
and used them to demonstrate what it’s like to have a
chronic illness or disability. It was so effective its now a
popular story called "The Spoon Theory".
8 July 2013
Close Ups / Detail of my latest
creation. A rather sweltering hot
image inspired by the manic
mind-set - racing thoughts
pouring out with vampiristic
passion! It’s more fine pencil &
ink I normally use to do the tattoo designs and very
precise work (which isn't my natural style - I don't think I
do anything 'precise' or 'fine' in my life really!) but the
type if images I come up with are what lots of people
like as tattoos. I did one that was a bit of an optical
illusion of a woman breaking out through someone’s skin
8 July 2013
I never know when my legs are going to give way with this
Fibro & CFDs, luckily this latest time I was half way up
the driveway at the side of my apartment block when I
went 'Doofing' down onto the concrete knees first.
Unluckily, a large group of people had decided to gather
there for alfresco drinks so I had an audience!
Now I have red raw knees just in time for summer skirts n