Page 217 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 217
27 June 2013
Well this hair dye looks a lovely shade on my towels and
my floor and my face and my arms and my sink and my
clothes....I wonder what the little bit I managed to get on
my hair will look like?...
30 June 2013
R U sending them to my personal email address? Nothing
has come thru yet.... not rushing you, just telling you in
case you're wondering why I haven’t commented. When I
send art out n there’s a period of time between sending it
out and hearing from the customer I spend that whole
time assuming they must be not feeding back to me ‘cos
they hated it! (Even though, that’s actually never
1 July 2013
TODAY: Head; feels like its encased in concrete, foggy
and throbbing. Neck; Stiff tender painful, Legs; deep
aching cramp, Throat: Dry & sore... Fibromyalgia
Mystery Finally Solved! They're constantly finding out
new information. Ooh me 'ead! Some days there ain’t
enough codeine in all the land
4 July 2013
OK, I've finally worked up enough
courage to create my own, unique
fascinator hat! The plan is to create a
collection so I'll post a sneak preview
picture soon as I've worked out how
best to photograph it......