Page 265 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 265

hours late, plus a bonus hour from the clock changing

           30 March 2014 —
           I  loved  Annie  when  I  was  little  and  I  used  to  drive  my
            Mom mad singing all the Annie numbers. I used to sing
            "You're  never  fully  dressed  without  a  smile."  as  my
            audition  piece  when  I  was  little!  Hopefully  there'll  be
            some improvement when I have singing lessons.
           I  was  going  to  keep  my  singing  lessons  secret  in  case  I
            turned out to be a total load of pants but apparently half
            the village knew within minutes of me booking my first
            lesson. That’s the Astwood Bank grape vine for you! Lol!
            Your little girl is an absolutely adooooorable singer!
           Her voice is so angelic and she has such an endearing little
            demeanour as well. SO sweet!

           1 April 2014 —
           Is it puttin' the bin out night tonight? GOD! My life is so
            exciting! Sometimes it pays to be mental...

           3 April 2014 —
           SO.... I thought it might be
            a good idea to do one of
            the butterfly pictures with
            more  realistic,  detailed
            butterflies.  Several  hours
            later & only a handful of
            butterflies  made  I'm
            wondering  if  this  was
            such a good idea! I thought the original version was time
            consuming but these ones are absolutely painstaking! Oh
            well, "I've started so I'll finish"
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