Page 268 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 268
her giving professional moron & nonsense monger Katie
Hopkins a well-earned verbal battering. Most of you will
know I'm not a "celebrity-fan" far from it! But I always
liked the Geldof clan and whenever anyone dies at such a
young age - especially an ingenious, creative, authentic
young person like Peaches it's tragic.
10 April 2014
Why are there a couple of rozzers walking up the road? ...
Or.... are they those "Community Imitation Lego
Officers"? Whatever they're called?
11 April 2014
Ladies, do any of you have any tips for making Victory
Rolls work in long hair? Mine are just dropping, 'n' there’s
nothing worse than droopy victory rolls.
I used to beg my Mom to do my hair in victory rolls and
also in a 'sausage' as she called it - like all rolled around
the back of the head a la Gone with the Wind! But she
always said I was too young! Also I was too young to
wear black! I wonder if I'm old enough yet
13 April 2014
Reason number 103.1 why I avoid going out of the house:
I never know when the Fibromyalgia's going to buckle
your knees and knock you to the ground! Thanks to the
poor bloke who had to lift me out of the road in Butler
Street! Thank You I was very embarrassed being lifted
out of the road by some random bloke.
14 April 2014
Oooh! HOW does Royal Mail do it! I actually set an alarm