Page 267 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 267

I get so frustrated cos my manic mind is totally at odds
            with  my  fibromyalgia  body.  I  feel  like  a  prisoner  inside
            myself. Patience was never my strong point. "Patience is a
            form of despair disguised as a virtue”!

           7 April 2014 —
           Top Comments.1425 people like this.
           Flipping' eck! The most likes I've ever got for a painting! I
            posted this in the Artists and Autism page and it seems
            people relate to it which is brilliant especially as I always
            say people's responses to the work really add value to it.
            This  piece  now  has  the  empathic  energy  of  all  these
            people affected by Autism and Aspies.
           It’s  funny,  ‘cos  I  was  just  talking  to  someone  about  a
            project  I  set  up  and  ran  doing  Art  sessions  for  people
            with  Autism  and  all  sorts  of  other  communication
            challenges. It was ace. People who had never spoken or
            written  a  word  in  their  life  were  creating  the  most
            expressive,  revealing  art.  I  might  try  n  do  that  again
            sometime in the future. I think you sharing this might be
            a synchronicities hint that I should do it cos I was literally
            just talking about it.

           7 April 2014 —
           Absolutely  horrified  to  hear  of  Peaches  Geldof  passing
            away aged just 25. The more ''unexplained'' and sudden
            deaths  of  none  conformist  celebrities  I  hear  about  the
            more suspicious I become - maybe it’s nothing suspicious
            and I don't want to tarnish her memory in anyway but it
            just struck a sinister chord with me when I heard the sad
            news. I remember seeing Peaches as a tiny little girl with
            her Mother (Paula) learning to pose. Most recently I saw
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