Page 270 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 270

17 April 2014
           Have  YOU  or  anyone  you  know  ever  "Self-Harmed”?
            Statistically a number of you reading this will have. This
            is  the  Butterfly  Project.  You  draw  a  butterfly  in  pen
            where ever you would self-harm, name it after someone
            you love and let the butterfly fade naturally - don't wash it
            off. If you cut or self-harm where the butterfly is it dies.
            If  you  can  resist  it  lives.  1000s  of  people  have  already
            been  doing  this.  I  know,  it’s  easier  said  than  done  &  it
            might not always work but it’s an idea, a start, a way of
            addressing  the  problem,  its.......worth  a  try.  Please
            SHARE this on your time line in case anyone you know
            has  self-harmed.  This  is  mainly  a  hidden  condition  but
            numbers  are  higher  than  you  might  think.  I  know  I’ve
            said this before but Thank You for not ignoring this post.

           17 April 2014 —
           Actually  there's  some  very  weird  energy  around  at  the
            moment, a triple eclipse, blood on the moon, astrological
            crop  circles  appearing  in  Italy  and  I  can  feel  a  really
            heady, dramatic storm coming towards us - sort of rolling
            together like waves on the horizon. . .Does anyone else
            feel it?
           I decided I couldn't wait 'til the end o' the World after all, I
            send my ironing out now. Actually I just dump washing,
            cleaning, ironing, repairs all in one bag and let the poor
            women  at  the  local  ironing  shop  sort  it  out.  It  comes
            back clean, ironed, repaired and on hangers. Best magic
            spell I've ever seen!

           22 April 2014 —
           OK  this  photo  gives  a  sense  of  scale.  It's  a  pretty  huge
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