Page 271 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 271
canvas like the one I did before. The colours start with
olive greens shot through with gold and goes through
turquoise to periwinkle blue to Palma violet to indigo to
Aubergine.... There are a few gold and glittered butterflies
scattered throughout.
24 April 2014
Some people think this is me so I
made it my profile picture. I
loved painting the tear drops
most of all - they were tricky -
I'm going to practice them n
maybe do some more with tears. “Read 'em & Weep”
24 April 2014
Once again I have to thank Manjir! I was losing my way so
I did as you taught me and created from the heart... I
painted this and it's proved immensely popular! One page
I posted it on had 111 shares. Each time I lose my way, all
I need to do is remember that lesson and proceed
24 April 2014
I got 1,037 'likes' for my crying lady painting on the Artists
and Autism page. I'm so pleased when my art resonates
with people. If you click on the link you'll see the Artists
and Autism page and all the amazing comments I've
received for my picture. I really struggle at times and my
art is an outlet for me. All this support and the fact that
the images I create resonate with people is such a
welcome and valuable reassurance. It’s confirmation that