Page 28 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 28
'Soul Portrait' and a competition piece for Worcester
Advocacy's art exhibition 'Celebrating Difference' plus 2
more orders in the pipeline so going forward...
16 August 2010
Wore PINK and drank soda water last night!
Well this is just back to my old picture I always had. I
switched it to one of my paintings for a while. I have like
2 photos of myself cos they just remind me I'm aging so
horridly! I have been asked a few times to dig out some
of my old glamour modelling photos from a long
(looooong, looooong, looong) time ago! I might do at
some point when my Dad's not looking!
16 August 2010
I built a "paper city" with my little nephews today out of
old packaging. Then we went to Webb’s where one asked
me to buy him an egg timer in the shape of a chicken for
£3.99 and the other asked for a 6 man Jacuzzi / hot tub
with built in stereo for £15,999...
17 August 2010
I have inadvertently activated something on the computer
whereby, every time the cursor hovers over a word a box
pops up with a translation of it in about 40 different
languages. This is irritating enough, but to add insult to
injury, every time it hovers over my name it says "ONA -
NO RESULTS" Now even my F***ing laptop's taking
the piss out of me!
25 August 2010
I remind you, you can't always trust people you meet