Page 330 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 330

only  with  a  scrap  of  paper  with  nothing  but  my  name
            (which is actually NOT Mrs Hays ) and the name of my
            chemo  on  supplemented  by  a  bit  of  guess  work.  I
            eventually got him to go n fetch my usual Doctor, much
            to his annoyance.

           4 December 2014 —
           Alice  in  Wonderland  wreath  I  made  for
            Christmas.  I’m  trying  to  an  Alice  in
            Wonderland tree as well....

           7 December 2014 —
           Under the array of side effects on the latest pills the Docs
            have  given  me  is  something  called  Moon  Face.  "May
            cause  Moon  Face"      What  the  absolute  fuck  is  "Moon
            Face"  and  what  kind  of  Alice  in  Wonderland  pills  are
            they giving me?! I’m already bald! The last thing I need is
            a fucking MOON for a face!!!

           7 December 2014 —
           WOW!  True  to  their  word  Webb’s  have  photographed
            every display of every one of their Christmas decoration
            ranges and sent them 2 me in folders labelled with the
            name of each range! Can’t say better than that really

           8 December 2014 —
           I’ve just got back from 4th of 6 chemotherapies. This time
            on the chemo ward they were playing Jackson 5 "Can you
            feel it?!" - One of the nurses could feel it; I clocked her
            rather  enormous  bottom  dancing  to  it  in  the  nurse’s
            kitchen. Soup of the day on chemo ward was "Monday" -
            which after further questioning transpired specifically to
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