Page 325 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 325
23 November 2014
My sense of taste has come back after a whole week of
total numbness caused by the chemo and I just ate a roast
dinner! The carrots tasted like carrots and the chicken
tasted like chicken and I could feel the warmth and sense
I was chewing it. Thaaaaank you Gaaawd! Well I could
actually feel it was in my mouth and sense how hot it was
lol! Its horrendous having absolutely no sensory
experience at all for days on end.
24 November 2014
Well I guess I’ve got through the night. Never fell asleep
but at least it isn’t night time anymore Well I feel better
now its daylight - sunny and frosty and I have a sugary
cup of tea, my pain meds and my favourite breakfast;
bacon on French toast with bananas & maple syrup
PLUS I can now TASTE it!
25 November 2014
I went for my half way thru chemo scan today. The Dr
couldn’t even find any lumps at all, all the swelling and
breast lumps have completely gone and the lump under
the arm has totally gone! YAY! All they can find of the
cancer is a bit of patchy tissue in the breast and the
swollen gland under my arm just needs to go down a little
bit more. THANK YOU so much to EVERY person
who asks how I am, supports me, sends cards, offers to
help.... every single gesture is noticed and appreciated and
I genuinely believe the positivity and love goes towards
diminishing this cancer - along with the "complimentary"
treatments I do as well. 3 chemo’s to go now....