Page 329 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 329

for me to get there so I tried shopping online and was
            really disappointed that there is hardly anything to choose
            from  on  the  website.  They  normally  have  loads  in  the
            shop but the website just has a few different colour plain
            bog standard baubles n tinsel, they emailed straight back
            and offered to take photos of all the Christmas displays
            and  decorations,  email  them  to  me,  and  then  if  I  tell
            them which things I want they’ll have them delivered to
            me.  (Meanwhile  they’re  working  on  improving  the

           4 December 2014 —
           Bit  of  a  stark  raving  nightmare  appointment  at  the
            Hospital today. Went in to see my Oncologist, a female
            Doctor, Dr Harouda. Sat in the room waiting for her to
            come  in  as  normal  and  some  random  bloke  I’ve  never
            seen before comes in, sits down n says "How’s it going?"
            "Erm...ok...and you are?" (Either a different doctor or Dr
            Harouda has really let herself go). He then proceeds to
            tell  me  totally  contradictory  information  to  everything
            I’ve been told before, attempts to prescribe inappropriate
            and  potentially  dangerous  drugs,  hazards  guesses  as  to
            what drugs I’m probably already on (and guesses wrong)
            tells  me  if  I  have  any  problems  I  can  always  ring  the
            emergency helpline (which I have never been told about,
            he  doesn’t  have  the  number  for  and  as  far  as  I  can
            ascertain  doesn’t  exist)  and  finally  when  I  tell  him  no
            personal offence intended but he seems not to have any
            of my relevant information he waves a scrap of paper at
            me and says "Well to be fair this is all the information
            I’ve got about you" Call me overly cautious but I don’t
            feel terribly comfortable being treated by someone armed
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