Page 331 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 331

be "Unidentified vegetable" - surprisingly there were no
            takers. One patient shared with me how he has actually
            developed  a  phobia  of  anything  in  cling  film  since
            attending  chemo.  Last  week  the  Dr  told  me  the  new
            meds I would start this week would have absolutely no
            bearing on my bi-polar at all. Today 3 nurses approached
            me  to  reiterate  I  must  be  extremely  vigilant  for  the
            adverse  effects  these  new  meds  could  have  on  my
            bi-polar.  I  asked  who  I  should  contact  if  I  do  have  a
            mental health problem and they said "whoever currently
            looks after your mental health" That’s easy then, no one.

           9 December 2014 —
           Given they I have memory loss,
            difficulty  focusing  and  mania
            what  the  hell  are  the  chances
            of  me  not  fucking  up  any  of
            this medication?! all to be taken
            at  different  times  in  different
            ways - sum with food sum after
            food  sum  b4  food  sum
            standing on your head doing a
            Rubik  cube  with  your  hands
            behind  your  back.  Tablets,
            injections,  sachets,  gels,  powders...this  morning  I  was
            talking to a carton of milk

           19 December 2014 —
           Well you find yourself in some weird situations as an Artist
            and  as  a  Cancer  patient.  Yesterday  I  ended  up  with  a
            surgeon drawing flat shapes to make nipples out of. We
            both  totally  on  the  same  wavelength  but  Mom  n  the
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