Page 328 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 328
absolute dystopian fucking nightmare. Stop the world I
want to get off this vile little parasite riddled rock.
30 November 2014
This is the first year in a loooong time that I live in a place
where I can actually fit a proper Christmas tree in! Yay!
Maybe it’ll be cosier for me to sit in the lounge with a
tree lit up in there. I think I might miss the light and the
decoration after Christmas so I might get a Toy Tree I
can keep up all year round and decorate seasonally -
themed for Spring - with buds and eggs and lambs and
bunnies, Summer - with shells and drift wood and beachy
things and Autumn with conkers and pumpkins and
oranges slices and cinnamon before the Christmas tree
goes back up.
1 December 2014
I think I’ve brought the worlds most
complicated Christmas tree; 5 main
segments + 7 tiers of 10 individual
branches per tier ~ all colour
coded and cross referenced by
letters ~ e.g. a red E branch is not
to be confused with a red EE
branch. It’s like a Krypton Factor
Christmas special. Several hours later....
3 December 2014
I know there are much more important things to worry
about but... How’s this for customer service? I emailed
WEBBS garden centre explaining I usually like choosing
from their decorations in store but this year it’s difficult