Page 327 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 327

old AND brand new? Is it some Schrodinger’s Cat thing
            of  marketing?  The  website  I  sell  on  insists  "Vintage"
            items are a minimum of 2 decades old or my shop can be
            banned. Actually it’s not just making it a pain in the arse
            to shop, its making it a pain in the arse to sell. So there!

           26 November 2014 —
           Why  are  Moms  so  random?  Today  my  Mom  told  me
            something  was  "Exactly  the  same  shape  as  a  Kinder
            egg.”?  Isn’t  a  Kinder  egg  just  the  shape  of  an  egg?
            MAYBE she meant the pod inside a kinder egg but then
            she  also  once  told  me  she’d  ordered  new  glasses  with
            "Obtangle"  shaped  frames  and  that  she’d  had  some
            leaflets  about  memory  loss  through  the  post  but  she
            couldn’t  remember  sending  off  for  them!  So  I  don’t
            know what to believe!

           27 November 2014 —
           Well I didn’t think this outfit through.
            Cropped  pants,  stripy  top  and  the
            head scarf to cover my balding. I look
            like  I’ve  just  escaped  from  a  Pirate

           28 November 2014 —
           Jeeeeesus Chuuuuuuriste! Is THIS what I’m "missing" by
            not having a TV and not joining in with the mainstream?!
            As  if  "The  loose  women"  aren’t  making  me  feel  sick
            enough with their inane whining they’re showing footage
            of Black Friday sales where people are stampeding, men
            trampling  women  under  foot  and  grown  adults  having
            physical  punch  ups  over  shop  merchandise.  What  an
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