Page 338 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 338
16 January 2015
Day 6 of arguing back n forth with an Amazon seller
about when the **** I’m going to get my items that were
due almost a week ago on "express" delivery at £40 p&p!
Finally figured out which courier they used and contacted
them directly. Got a very different story from them to the
one I got from the seller about damaged packages and
missing addresses and lost property and alligators in the
sewers! Grrrrrr!
19 January 2015
LAST Chemotherapy today, thank absolute Gaaaawd!. It
normally makes me feel horrific for about a week or 2
but this time I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I have an operation in February - and new boobs! Then
HOPEFULY it’s all over. I’m SO looking forward to
getting my Art show back on the road so to speak! and
there’s loads of Art projects and opportunities been
building up in the pipelines while I’ve been out of action
so it looks like my Art career will be shooting right back
like a bullet from gun come March. . . .
20 January 2015
THANK YOU EVERYONE! For all your kind words and
messages of support and good wishes! Each and every
one really does genuinely help me. Every word or
comment or "Like" has actually been part of my
recovery. I am struggling this morning with all my various
ailments and challenges piling up n top of me and I did
have a few tears this morning. This afternoon I have a
psychiatric appointment - set up to help me through the
5 month chemotherapy and cancer battling period -