Page 343 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 343
24 January 2015
I hardly dare say this for fear of jinxing myself but. I
THINK....I’m finally kicking this cancer and ending the
horrific chemotherapy It’s the 5th day after my LAST
chemo and I don’t feel tooo bad I do still have to have
surgery but....dare I say I can see the light at the end of
the tunnel?! (Or is it the tax man with a torch?)
25 January 2015
Ooh my whole body’s aching like cold concrete now.
Every bone feels like a cracked slab. My throats tightened
up and my skins parched n sore n dry as if I’ve used
harsh soap all over it. Eyes n nose streaming...... Is it the
last bit of chemo? Or is it a Fibromyalgia flare up? I don’t
know but I was hoping to get some stuff done today.
Instead it looks like more sitting in bed with water n pain
killers and...The sketch pad! More Zentangles on the way!
26 January 2015
I get asked to design tattoos a lot; I’ve designed a few, but
normally its people who say "Of course I can’t pay you
but....." I’ve had to start being a lot more discerning
about the jobs I take on. I’m planning a series of acrylic
and mixed media paintings which I’ll probably do a solo
show of later in the year I'm hoping to show at the
Burlesque and Alternative festival in Birmingham.
Hoping to exhibit at The Custard Factory again too cos
that was pretty cool. SOOoooo much to do once I’m
better! I might compile all the doodles and Zentangles
into a little zine....