Page 348 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 348
under me arm pit for ten days after my op, I won’t be
able to wash the area for that whole time and I’ll have to
wear support bras and support stockings. Oh God! The
endless fucking glamour of it aaaaaaaalllllll! Meet me half
way God
Even on my worst days I do my makeup n everything -
even if it takes hours and all my strength, but wot with a
bald head, a swollen face and soon to be a scarred, semi
reconstructed boob and a tube under my arm it’s getting
harder n harder to maintain a decent appearance! Lol! It’s
my own insecurity that causes my worry I suppose.
Maybe this situation is teaching me a valuable lesson. . . .
17 February 2015
Hmmmmm? A head scarf with fake hair
already attached. Maybe that’s what I
need to cover me bald head? Or?
21 February 2015
Going in the Hospital for my operation
next week, 25th, we’re still leaving it ‘til the last minute
whether to one boob or two?!
25 February 2015
Had to get to the hospital at 7.30am for my so called
"morning" surgery! Still sat waiting on a bed like a spare
cousin at a wedding ffs!
25 February 2015
Got back from the operating theatre about 5pm, managed
to get my make up on by about 5.15pm and fought the
anaesthetic off as fast n hard as I could. It’s a bit tricky to