Page 351 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 351

boob in each hand and sort of weighing them up against
            each  other  as  if  comparing  a  couple  of  melons  in  a
            supermarket  with  a puzzled  look  on  his  face  and a  fag
            hanging out of his mouth. I remember wondering if he
            was really fully qualified

           28 February 2015 —
           Constant live entertainment on the hospital ward! The end
            of the ward I was on had a permanently closed fire door
            no one was supposed to access. There was another ward
            on the other side of it and for the entire 30 hours I was
            in  there,  a  4  foot  highly  confused,  freakishly  strong,
            elderly woman in Santa style pyjamas relentlessly tried to
            break through the doors "to get to the other wing of her
            house" It wouldn’t have been so bad but every time she
            made it thru the door the world’s loudest fire alarm went
            off. Usually she was fairly quickly followed by a nurse, a
            few times she made it as far as some poor blokes bed 2
            wards  down  and  at  one  point  a  whole  line  of  various
            staff  patients  and  visitors  came  running  behind  her  at
            which  point  I  started  singing  the  theme  tune  to  Benny
            Hill and asked a porter if he wanted to brandish a sink
            plunger for comic effect. He didn’t.

           2 March 2015 —
           Got the wound drain OUT! YAY! Thank absolute F*** for
            that!  about  2  meters  of  plastic  tubing  hanging  out  the
            side of me chest and a pump and a great big measuring
            bag all carried permanently round with me in a big canvas
            shoulder bag. Felt like a cyborg. I thought the tube might
            be about an inch into my body - there’s was bloody yards
            of  the  stuff  coming  out.  The  nurse  was  pulling  plastic
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