Page 355 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 355

your face. I’m in my apartment n its dead sunny outside.
            I’m  not  a  sun  worshipper.  The  chemo  is  f***ing
            horrendous! I always said god knows how little kids cope
            with it.

           23 March 2015 —
           Remember Asha King who we petitioned to be allowed to
            be with his parents and have the cancer treatment they
            wanted him to have? He had the Photon treatment they
            insisted on and has been declared cancer free!

           Thank  you  to  everyone  who  signed  the  petition  a  while
            back to allow them the treatment they wanted. The whole
            thing was disgusting how it was handled. On a bit of a
            different subject, I had a horrendous appointment at the
            Alex the other day where I was shouted at and insulted
            by  a  Dr.  because  I  dared  to  ask  questions  about  the
            treatment they wanted to give me. It got so bad I had to
            end the appointment and walk out. All I did was ask for a
            bit  of  information  but  how  dare  I  question  a  Dr
            Amongst the crap he gave me - he told me that radiation
            "therapy" carries absolutely no risk or side effects at all

           They’re  unbelievable.  I  am  making  a  formal  complaint
            about the Dr I saw last week. There was another bloke in
            the room throughout my appointment and I have no idea
            who he was. He wasn’t introduced and they never asked
            my permission for him to be there. The Dr did a breast
            examination with no nurse present in front of the other
            bloke  in  the  room  and  without  even  the  privacy  of  a
            curtain or a gown or anything - I just had to get me norks
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