Page 354 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 354
Oh the endless glamour of it all. I had to sit in the club
with an ice pack all day to watch the horse racing. The
Drs. said its cos of the chemotherapy. It’s doing me
head in!
16 March 2015
12 attempts and £5 of phone credit so far to get through
to the Doctors for an appointment this morning and still
trying and counting.....FFS!!
Even if the system stayed exactly the same but the attitude
of the staff changed it wouldn’t be so bad but they speak
to you as if they’re horrified you dare ask for an
appointment. They huff n puff n tut and sigh and
everything’s too much trouble. A "can’t do" attitude: I did
put a massive amount of time and effort into liaising with
the doctors advocating for patients and chairing the
patient group but not too much avail cos the only other
patients I could get to come forward were the older /
retired people who all just seemed so grateful of a
doctors surgery at all they were prepared to put up with
any shite. Whenever I put forward any negative views or
experiences it looked like I was the only one of that
opinion cos the only other patients prepared to turn up
to the meetings or speak out all just thought everything’s
perfect and you shouldn’t complain. Most frustrating and
I got too ill to do it in the end.
22 March 2015
The Sun is burning me, making me feel sick n giving me a
headache and impairing me vision for drawing but it
seems such a sad act to shut the curtains I’m suffering it.
It’s like the opposite of cutting your nose off to spite