Page 350 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 350
crowded pub or around little ones. My new boob is
basically very fragile and trying to heal itself to my body
and literally feels like it going to "break" if I so much as
move wrong so if someone accidentally bumps into me it
could be disastrous. I also have a horrid tube coming out
from the side of my chest leading into a pump and a
drain which I have to carry around with me in a bag
everywhere - basically collecting the blood that’s pissing
outa me - Sooooo gross. I really don’t want that getting
accidentally pulled out. That could have horrendous
consequences and besides I have no dresses that I could
accessorise with medical piping either.
GRRrrrrrrrrr! SOooo frustrating! The 1st thing I want to
do when I see someone is hug them and I can’t!
28 February 2015
Well this is a giant pain in the arse! One boob bandaged up
like a mummy, right under arm and top of arm has
absolutely no feeling at all, a meter of plastic tubing
coming out of my chest with a pump and a drain bag -
absolutely F***ing gross, a bag I have to carry around
with me all the sodding time as if I’m off on a paper
round. Can’t lift anything, can’t hug anyone and can’t go
to the pub, still bald. Look shite; feel about as attractive
as a Hippocrocapig! ad enough of it!!
28 February 2015
Hmmm apparently I need to keep checking my boobs…
can’t remember this being mentioned by the surgeon but
I’m going along with it.
Before I was diagnosed with the breast cancer he
"examined" them. That consisted of him taking one