Page 345 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 345
price them at their true value and not devalue them by
printing lots off etc....Sooooo I am looking to create a
series of these and hold an exhibition of them selling
unique, signed originals at the appropriate gallery prices
BUT, so as not to disappoint all the people who have
shown an interest I have picked just 2 of them out to
auction on EBay as promised.
This can be a preview of what’s to come and a rare, one
time opportunity for all those who have admired them to
have a chance at acquiring an early original, at a
self-determining price point before they go into curated
exhibitions. I hope that’s a fair compromise between
being true to the value of my work and loyal to all the
people who have expressed an interest.
29 January 2015
Planning a series of paintings illustrating "Archetypes" -
The Hero, The Sage, The Jester etc.... Mixed Media and
Acrylic paintings with an elaborate surreal style to appeal
to the archetype in you, whatever it may be.....
31 January 2015
3 lots of feedback I’ve had this month from customers
buying my Art:
"Simply the best - excellent in every way fantastic picture"
"Amazing talent, created a sensation on my wall! Thank
"OMG Ona I have just picked up the painting from the
post Office Depot - it is truly amazing and I feel
privileged to own it - you certainly have an extraordinary