Page 344 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 344
27 January 2015
I walked to the shop! What a flipping achievement.
( Now I can’t breathe n I’m the colour of a beetroot n me
eyes n nose are streaming n I’ve got a handful of tablets
to take...but....I walked to the shop!)
Just brought some strong throat sweets from the chemist -
I was expecting them to be cherry red shiny things or
some such but they’re tiny little black dots and they smell
distinctly of cannabis goes......
SUNSHINE! Sun coming through the window! What
difference sunlight makes. God I can’t wait for longer,
lighter days. The energy is so different.
It’s gone 4pm and its not dark yet. We’re getting there (y)
29 January 2015
Urgh! Fell back to sleep and had 4 of those "false
awakening" dreams in a row. Each more real than the
last! Each where I "woke up" to find myself in a more
horrific future! It was like a horror version of quantum
leap. Now I’ve got to sit here n get my bearings and get
my breath back and remember which FEMA region I live
OK, these have proved
unexpectedly popular and I’ve
had loads of requests off
people wanting to buy them...
I’ve also had contacts from Art Dealers, Exhibition
Curators and Gallery Owners advising me on the value
of the work, wanting to exhibit them, advising me to