Page 339 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 339

which  is  now  hopefully  coming  to  an  end?!  Timing  is
            everything  lol!  Probably  could  have  done  with  this
            appointment  at  the  START  of  the  process  rather  than
            the end but that’s NHS timing for you and at least it’s got
            me back into the elusive mental health service. I might
            now  also  be  able  to  access  help  for  my  bi-polar  and
            PTSD. The cancer nurses and Doctors assumed I had a
            community nurse and a psychologist and all sorts! Once
            I’m through this last bout of post chemo illness I have
            my  mastectomy  and  reconstructive  surgery  in  mid  Feb
            and  then,  HOPEFULY  TOUCH  WOOD  I  will  have
            won  the  fight  -  I  don’t  want  to  jinx  myself.  THANK
            YOU for being there for me to sound off to!

           20 January 2015 —
            ANY  CRAPPER!  Just  got  back  from  an  appointment
            with  a  Psychiatrist!  I’ve  been  trying  to  access  mental
            health services for the past 3 years none stop via my GP,
            cancer  nurse,  doctors,  anyone  I  can  ask  for  help...  I’ve
            been  put  on  waiting  lists  and  then  mysteriously
            disappeared from them about 4 or 5 times. The nearest I
            got  to  help  was  1  appointment  with  a  psychologist  at
            who, on my 1st appointment told me he was leaving, the
            whole  psychology  department  was  shutting  down  and
            not being replaced with anything and I would have to go
            back to start again.....This is with a diagnosis of bi-polar
            disorder,  post-traumatic  stress  disorder  and  now  of
            course cancer on top of my pre-existing physical illnesses
            (Fibromyalgia,  ME,  Chronic  Migraine  yada  yada)  So,
            today I was told there was nothing this Psychiatrist could
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