Page 346 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 346
3 February 2015
Struggling! Fibro flare up and feeling overwhelmed by
even the tiniest tasks. Come on Ona get it together.
3 February 2015
Most of you know I don’t have a TV and I’m not into
Telly but I managed to catch a look at my friend’s
television last night and was astounded by the "variety".
I saw 3 shows; mentally ill people going on dates, mentally
ill people in police custardy and mentally ill people
fighting with their neighbours. I suppose with our mental
health service so oversubscribed we’re trying to find ways
to utilise all our poor bewildered including making
entertainment of them...........Maybe morning TV would
be better?, I really don’t want to see Philip Scofield
trying on nipple clamps in an item on advanced bondage
during This Morning!
8 February 2015
My pain levels have really been up from my Fibromyalgia
today. Like someone has strings attached to my muscles
and keeps yanking on them. What pain killers / pain
relief do my fellow Fibro sufferer’s use I’m
wondering....Fibromyalgia Network.
Horrendous Anxiety! Can’t concentrate on anything or
seem to get anything done, the constant feeling that I
should be somewhere or should be doing something or
I’ve forgotten something but I don’t know what? What a
pain in the ass!
I generally felt wank today. I have somewhat identified
what makes me feel like this - it’s always when I am
unproductive and under achieving. All I’ve managed