Page 358 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 358
loo I couldn’t get back up again so I had to crawl to bed.
I had hot n cold flushes and restless leg syndrome all
night and finally woke up at 3pm this afternoon - still in
yesterday’s clothes and feeling like I had a really bad
hangover. That’s an example of what Fibromyalgia and
Migraine is really like. That’s the bit most people don’t get
to see. Fibromyalgia Network
It’s a bloody ongoing struggle to deal with but what adds
insult to injury and makes it worse is when people say
things like "Oh you just need to get out more" or "It’s
probably just nerves" or "Its a case of mind over
matter"...... No one said any of that to me when I was
fighting the cancer. You don’t hear people telling those
with broken legs to "walk it off" or saying to diabetics or
epileptics "You wanna come off all those meds" It really
mind boggles me and annoys me that, just because
Fibromyalgia isn’t a very well-known disease, people can’t
seem to even believe it exists.
1 April 2015
It’s MY DAY! World Bi-Polar Day! That means you have
to raise awareness by finding a friend with bi-polar (such
as me) and giving them gifts, cakes, money, treats of all
1 April 2015
Getting the paints back out. First piece
I’ve created on canvas for a while. I
have had this image in my mind for
ages wanting something like it in my
place in terms of it being an artist /